This is one of the first courses I ever read when learning to trade commodity futures. David Duty and I have been trading partners and friends ever since. I love trading futures, it's my heart and soul, and if you want to get a fantastic understanding of how to enter and be a part of this amazing and fascinating world, then this is absolutely the best course you can get your hands on, hands down!
“There is a Japanese proverb, ‘a book gives knowledge, but it is experience that gives understanding’. Your real world experiences, so well presented in your commodities course, should benefit anyone who reads it. It is one of the most comprehensive courses I have ever seen and it’s a great value for the money.”
Each topic was very thoroughly covered. I also feel that your choice of the technical analysis selections was right on. It's taken me YEARS, not to mention thousands of hard-earned dollars, to learn what you are offering your students. I am very pleased with this course. The foundation is in place to really bring something new to traders. Your chosen direction is right on the mark.
Over the years I have purchased a number of different investment books, courses, etc. Many of them turned out to be "teasers" to get you to purchase expensive ongoing services and others (especially the "Guy in the Cowboy Hat was an overly simplified explanation of how to visually follow patterns and "gamble" real money on them. David's "Common Sense Commodities" was and is still the best I have come across. I would compare what he provides to a true educational course. He of course shows the trading patterns, but he explains the "Why's" behind them so that you know why they are occurring. Most importantly, he emphasizes the importance of having a plan in place before trading. Without a plan, you are not trading you are GAMBLING. David teaches you how to treat this as a business, and how to protect your money from market turns. He also doesn't try to tease you by talking about MAKING A FORTUNE! in the Market or LIVING THE DREAM! He explains how to make consistent gains vs. the occasional loss (and how to limit your losses) Over time, this is the true way to make money and this alone is worth the cost of the course!
David, before I comment on the seminar, I wish to say that meeting you and your wife was truly a pleasure. You both are a very caring and genuine people, concerned for your students and the people you meet. I feel privileged to know you. I was very impressed by the extension of yourself to us and making us feel at home in Denver. The seminar was fantastic. I learned a lot. The new concepts and information will FOREVER change my future trades. Learning key concepts, such as: entering and exiting the market, charting and properly reviewing my Reward/Risk level, was key. After Saturday, I had a new level of confidence in my trading ability. Finally, the limit of 10 students provided a very intimate atmosphere for us to both learn and interact. It was a great networking time to share past and future trades. I learned quite a bit from my fellow students. I truly appreciated the time I was able to spend with them. Again David, THANKS. I received good value for my time and money and would never hesitate to recommend the seminar to any other person.
I have finally fallen into somewhat of a routine for watching all the charts. It takes me about an hour, depending on how many interruptions I have of course, but at least I’m getting through them. I know I’ve said this before, but I can still hardly believe how easy your system is!! There are some things that I’m still having problems with (figuring profits/loses) but I read more in your book again this past weekend, and more of the techniques have gotten easier to recognize. This morning, I found 8 trades to put on (paper-trading), and that amazes me. Last week I put on 18 paper-trades, of which 16 completed the formations, and I would have been in the market/in a contract. Of those 16, NONE were losers. That just really amazes me. NONE were losers.
This is the best course I've taken so far because it's so comprehensive. Having had some exposure to trading, your lessons made sense and give very good value for the money. Like new formations. Blips. Like the 123 Top/Bottom rule, which makes a lot of sense. Also, believe your strategy for entering a market that breaks out of a channel - or whatever, a blip, too - is incredibly wise."
I am a full time trader and in my three years of trading with a lot of hours and money invested and lost in numerous courses, nothing beats your course. The truth of the matter is it's very easy to understand and if you apply the concepts learned, there is no reason why one shouldn't have a competitive edge required to trade efficiently. In my case it is everything I've always searched for."
For anyone who is considering going to one of David’s' seminars, I just have one piece of advice- DO IT. It was a very rich and rewarding experience for me. David has a way of presenting the different facts of this business in a very clear and understandable manner. You will quickly see the gift that he has for teaching the material that he covers, and the genuine love that he possesses for it and the people that he is working with, you the student. The network of people that you will meet is worth the price of admission alone. Thank you David, and all the people that you brought with you, who by the way came on their own without monetary compensation, simply because they truly enjoy what they do.
This is the best course on commodities that I have ever read! It is comprehensive and easy to understand. I have spent much money on other courses only to be disappointed in their inability to communicate the basic, foundational elements needed to understand how to trade commodities. David Duty's Common Sense Commodities is the best that I have ever read or studied. I highly recommend this course for those who are beginners who are wanting to learn how to trade commodities as well as those who are already traders.
I find your lessons and techniques are FANTASTIC. Before your lessons, when I looked at the charts, I saw what I was supposed to but did not quite understand what I saw. But with your lessons, the accuracy you could enter the market is amazing. Between your lessons and Gecko, it is something to watch the daily ticks on a chart stick like glue to the lines I draw in. Thank you, David!
Each topic was very thoroughly covered. I also feel that your choice on the technical analysis selections was right on. It's taken me YEARS, not to mention thousands of hard-earned dollars, to learn what you are offering your students with this manual. I am very pleased with this course. The foundation is in place to really bring something new to traders. Your chosen direction is right on the mark.
The calendars are great. Lots of info in the side by side view. By the way, working my way through the options course and I have to say the videos are an invaluable complement to the book. Really brings the examples into focus.
David, I wish I would have known about your course before I spent thousands of dollars on seminars and other high priced tools. What your course taught me I use every day and everyone else’s stuff is just that "stuff". Your course delivers the meat and potatoes of trading successfully!!....Thanks!"
The pamphlet I received in the mail from another commodities trader made it sound like I would be smoking cigars and wearing a Stetson in no time at all if I took his course and followed his teachings. Wrong! It was no more than a basic introduction to the market. Then I discovered "Common $ense Commodities", and really learned how to trade the market.
I lost $300 in the actual trading of July wheat for the period of 1/5 - 2/23 by just using 123 bottom and trailing stops according to the instruction by TWMPMM course. But, after reading the chapter of "Ascending & Descending Channels" of your book, I reviewed the same trade of my July wheat, and realized that I would have made more than $1,400 by implementing the analysis in your textbook.
I bought this course a long time ago. It is true to its title "Common Sense". David how a way of taking the veil of the mystery of trading. This course is tried and tested and has stood the test of time. It is good to know that there are still honest people who supply training and actually trade and use the course they are selling. There are many sharks in the water these days, but David is not one of them. Well done David!!
This is the best course on learning about commodities and how to trade them...hands down! I started using David Duty's course back in 2003-2004 and it is the one I recommend to everyone. It is straight forward and easy to understand yet provides you a very usable and understandable approach to trading successfully. My mother, who is now in her 80s, used David's course to learn about and start trading commodities when she was in her 70s! If you seriously want to learn about and eventually trade commodities, this is where you should start! Not only do you have access to an awesome education but you also get the ability to get input from the author himself along with a huge online community of traders who started out with David's course and who are willing to share their experience and insight!
The best, no-nonsense, easy to understand, and exciting commodities trading course I have ever purchased. (And I have purchased a bunch of them!!) David removes the mystique of trading the commodities markets and brings the student to a ground zero understanding thru common sense examples, charts, and explanations. He also includes videos that not only demonstrate each principle he is teaching, but provide live examples as well. He is there for you and will answer any question you might have. He has also made personal custom webinars for me when I have had a problem understanding a particular concept. I have found him to be very generous with his time and expertise. He is down to earth and very friendly. I would highly recommend his Common Sense Commodities course to not only the beginning trader but also to the experienced trader as well. I keep his coursebook on my trading desk as a very handy reference. I might also add that his literary style is such that it will not only be entertaining but will also keep one's attention. There will always be something new to glean from each reading. I have gone thru the course several times and each time I pick up something new. A most excellent course produced by a most excellent mentor! His companion course: Common Sense Options is most highly recommended also.
I can only ditto the glowing remarks that others who gave this course a five-star review have made. Along with other courses that David has authored, I purchased the Common Sense Commodities course when it was first released, and I was one of the first to purchase his Common Sense Options course. David doesn't just sell courses--he follows through with his time. He considers each course purchaser his student, and he personally cares about each and every one. In order to ensure that you have a complete understanding of the concepts involved in charting and trading commodities and options, David goes the second mile to give you access to all videos and notes that pertain to his courses, and he is always available to answer any questions that you may have. He is a born teacher and trainer, and I consider his courses basic to laying a solid foundation for your trading experience, be it in commodities or stocks.
Hi David, Paul M---------- here. I want to share a few details of my last trade with very interesting results. I was watching the wheat mkt, looked like there was some more weakness so I shorted the mkt. I sold an August option based on the September K and bought an October option based on Dec. Both options had the same strike price, the August option (the one I sold) only had 16 days left and the one I bought had over 60 days till expiration.
The mkt reversed, big time (over 20cts) right after I got in. I closed out the trade, but here's what's interesting about it. Even though the mkt reversed that much, I still showed a " profit ". Yes, the one I sold was really overpriced compared to the one I bought. So the one I sold covered all my losses on the one I bought and gave me a small profit. I would of been down over $1000 with a futures contract, the option trade only cost $125 (the spread) to place and instead of a loss, I ended with a small profit.
I want to say " Thanks " for sharing your option course. It got me to thinking " outside the box " of just buying a put or buy a call and hope for the best. The idea of buying and selling options with the same strike price on a calendar spread has become one of my favorites. The beauty of that trade is there is NO margin being held and time decay is on my side, in my favor, not the other guys. Sometimes there just isn't enough value left in the one I want to sell. I have to " pick and choose " my trades using that strategy. It fulfills the 2 golden rules of trading, "Control your risk and Preserve your trading acc't." Again, a sincere thanks.
David has turned his vast trading knowledge and experience into an educational course, loaded with examples, charts, and in-depth detailed personal experiences. Anyone who might have the opportunity of spending time with David, and learn from one of the masters, is certainly in for a knowledgeable and pleasurable experience."
I was getting frustrated that my trades weren't working out overall, so I went to the seminar to try to find out why. It was very helpful, and I discovered some of the mistakes I was making. David was eager to answer our questions and give us his time 'round the clock. The options day was great too. I have always shied away from options, because I didn't understand them. They are actually a great way to go in many markets, and a needed strategy for my account. Thanks David. Just the networking alone was worth it.
I purchased another course a few years ago when I attended one of David's two-day seminars in Atlanta. I had been trading for a year or so before that and was not doing very well to be honest. After I got home from the seminar. I spent the next month studying his course and listening to many hours of videos that came with it and finally realized what I was doing wrong. After that everything changed, the way i looked at charts, how I managed risk, how to exit with a profit rather than holding on and giving all my profits back. The courses he writes are written in a way that keeps your interest like a good novel would. He is able to take what seemed to be a very complex subject and make it understandable and even fun to read. I did have a few questions and I called him on the phone number in the course. He actually answered the phone himself! If that wasn't a shock in itself, he suggested we do a private one-on-one webinar later in the day. Of course I did the webinar with him and he probably spent an hour with me. It made me feel special to say the least. Since then I've called him a few times to ask about something and he was always willing to take time to talk with me. I'm going to sign up for his live trading room when I get back home next week. I can say without hesitation that investing in David's courses has paid me back 100 times over and I'm finally in the position to quit my job and replace my income by trading. Can't say enough good things about his courses, and seminar and how much I've learned.
Anyone interested on trading commodities should attend your seminar. There were no negative comments in conversations with other participants, only positive. I think you knocked yourself out to make sure that everything was perfect for us, including accommodations, meals, and transportation. The seminar was great in clarifying information I'd already read but didn't fully understand, in teaching new (to me) trading techniques, in gaining insight from other students. Most of all, you just have to "be there". The hands on experience is priceless.
"I have been trading fundamentally for over a year with mixed results. I could never figure out why some trades went against my position when the fundamentals looked good. All the news pointed the market in one direction, but the market went the opposite direction. I knew the answer must be on the technical side of the trade. David, you answered all of my questions and have inspired me to trade with an all new confidence. Your "Common $ense Commodities", has improved my trades greatly."
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Past performances do not guarantee future results!
Because the risk factor in trading is high only genuine “risk” funds should be used. If you do not have the extra capital that you
can afford to lose, you should not trade at all. No “safe” trading system has ever been devised, and no one can guarantee profits
or freedom from loss.
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